Archive 2012/2013


The Registration Meeting will be held on Monday 5th August 2013 at Tetley Walkers Club at 7.30pm.

All clubs wishing to take part next season must attend and bring with them the form that was given out at the A.G.M. fully filled in including the bottom part relating to a contact for the particular team.

Remember that the form will not be accepted if this is not complied with. 


I realise that Warrington Wolves are playing their semi final on Thursday night and that a lot of people plan to got to the match.

If you are planning to re-arrange your match could you please let me know by text or e-mail so that I am not waiting for a result of a game that hasn't been played. 


The Presentation Evening took place on Saturday and I would like to thank everybody that attended for what was probably the best night we have ever had.

I don't think that we have ever had a better comedian than Carl Schofield but it is still the people in the room that  make or break him and the fact that he did an encore only highlights that he enjoyed it as much as everybody else.

The turn out was also really good and once again I would like to thank not just the winners but all the rest that turned up.