1Bryn Labour12912502250
2Mr. Earls14752503450
3Newton Conservative 'B'13733473147
4Golborne CMC B14644463846
5Ashton Recreation14545414341
6Newton Conservative 'A'14536414341
7Haydock Conservative13436374137
9Haydock Reading Room12435343834
10Golborne CMC A13337304830
11The Turpin View131210255325

Please note the Play-By dates for the current round of competitions

Individual KO, Over-55''s KO, Individual Merit and Pairs KO must be played by the 5th March 2025. 

3 Man Team KO Prelims and 1st Round to be played by 19th March 2025.

Failure to play these matches by the play-by date will result in both parties being eliminated.

If you are unable to arrange your match by 7 days before the play by date, inform your Delegate who will raise with the Management Committee.