AGM Rule Change Proposals

Rule change proposal from Steve Quinn - Revise maximum start to 50.

Rule change proposals from Joe Witkiewicz:

  1. Review of clause 4(e) of the leagues rules concerning postponement of matches. I think the 3 day timescale is too onerous. Also I don’t think it was fair that we had to replay a match earlier in the season whereas Haydock reader got an auto 6-0 win - made a big difference to final standings and team payouts 
  2. Introduction of an ‘elite’ player category whereby if you reach a certain handicap, you then give a 50/55 start as opposed to a current cap of 40
  3. Blind picks for league matches which is currently adopted in team KO
  4. Greater transparency of financials especially KO competition winnings - example of there being around £420 in individuals KO from entry fees and sponsorship yet the split in winnings didn’t seem to reflect that?
  5. Should be payouts in all KO comps for semi-finalists - think it’s unfair that some people reffing got paid for doing a semi final yet players didn’t get anything. I reffed a few and would be more than happy having a couple of pints rather than money.
  6. Talk of maybe doing a 6 red KO competition but there’s quite a few comps as it is but could scrap the over 55s as I didn’t feel there was many entries in that. 

Earlestown & District Snooker League - AGM

Please note that the Annual General Meeting for the League will take place at 7:45pm on Wednesday TBA at the Newton Conservative Club.

Proposals for Rule changes must have been sent in via the delegates to Jeff Robinson by the TBA for distribution in time for the AGM.


This seasons Presentation Night will be at
Golborne CMC on Saturday 29th June 2024
Everyone welcome

Congratulations To This Seasons Winners

League Champions - Golborne CMC A

Runners-Up - Haydock Reading Room/Newton Conservative 'B'

Frank Eaves Memorial Trophy - Mr Earl's

Runners-Up - Newton Conservative 'A'

Individual Merit - Bill Cocker (Golborne CMC 'A')

Runner-Up - Lee Redford (Stubshaw Labour)

Individual Handicap - Steve Witkiewicz (Bryn Labour)

Runner-Up - Mike Hutchinson (Newton Conservative 'A')

Over-55's Handicap - Ian Bryce (Newton Conservative 'B')

Runner-Up - Jimmy Evans (Haydock Reading Room)

Pairs Knockout - Paul Cunliffe & Stuart Allison (Golborne CMC 'B')

Runners-Up - Aidy Naylor & Gary Jones (Haydock Reading Room)

3-a-Side Knockout - Aidy Naylor, Gary Jones, Nigel Whittle (HRR)

Runners-Up - Mike Houghton, Dave Washington, David Leigh (CMC 'A')'

Delegates Trophy - Chris Cooper (Stubshaw Labour)

Runner-Up - Dean (Taz) Latham (Newton Conservative 'A')

Highest Break - Bill Cocker (Golborne CMC 'A') - 66

Most Wins - Mike Yates (Mr Earls) - 16