T0001Baize and GloryBaize and Glory Snooker ClubSimon George 07951 256167
T0003BecontreeKeith Davis Cue Sports Club (Beacontree)James Kelly 07944 098972
T0013Becontree 2Keith Davis Cue Sports Club (Beacontree)Jonathan Lieberman 07734 428308
T0005JP's HarlowJP's Snooker & Pool ClubChris Thatcher07746 158867
T0014JP's Harlow BJP's Snooker & Pool ClubMike Phipps07354 440148
T0006PocketsPockets Snooker Club & Sports BarDean Galbally07872 619299
T0017Q Ball AQ Ball Sports BarPeter Jackson 07787 987248
T0027Q Ball DQ Ball Sports BarDarren Rawbone 07788 293606
T0007Q Ball SQ Ball Sports BarSimon Lott07917 117915
T0009R.U.S.S.CRomford United Services & Social Club (RUSSC)Andy Singer 07882 189815
T0019R.U.S.S.C2Romford United Services & Social Club (RUSSC)Perry Coleman 07930 163504
T0008Rayleigh LanesThe Lanes Sports Bar (Rayleigh Lanes)James Baylis 07880 731596
T0015Rayleigh Lanes “Royals”The Lanes Sports Bar (Rayleigh Lanes)Gary Tillett07949 968402
T0010SpringhouseThe Springhouse Sports ClubPaul Bennett 07733 330707
T0011Starr SportsStarr SportsLes Hogg 01268 691487
T0012StepfieldThe Stepfield Snooker ClubToby Pugh07368 578485